Award-Winning Curriculum…

… 3 years in a row.


Unit Studies for the Whole Family–Every Age and Style

  • All subjects covered (except math)
  • Careers focus, life skills, and more
  • Pre-reader to adult
  • Open-and-go meets Charlotte Mason
  • Single subject or multi-subject… you get to choose how you use it.

Campfire Curriculums™ is a homeschool curriculum made by a U.S. special operations veteran dad.  It is completely open-and-go and uniquely incorporates careers (like job shadowing from home), trades, and skills–for LIFE learning.  Use it for all subjects except math (all-in-one), or use it for a single subjects like an extracurricular (skip the included Core Connections Companion)!  

It is made for all ages, so your entire family can learn together (age-appropriate info is sectioned).  All learning styles are addressed, and the Campfire Method™ is used to enhance memory retention!

Unlike traditional unit studies that merely scratch the surface, Campfire Curriculums™ immerses you in-depth into each subject, filled with Charlotte-Mason integrations that you don’t have to prep!

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“We just started Zoology today (our first unit except for Christmas).  And my goodness, this is a homeschooling dream.   My kids are engaged and interested.  And we had fun and I was shockingly impressed by the notes they took… I’ve been homeschooling for almost 20 years and I am as excited today as I was on my first day ever… THANK YOU!!!
– Kelli C

Making it Fun Again!

My kids couldn’t believe during the gardening Unit we were about to stop reading to learn how to juggle !! Really makes our school day have moments of connection and joy to get through the harder parts of homeschooling. Thanks for helping me be a fun / cool mom sometimes

Kari S.

Best Ever!

I recently purchased your Carols Christmas Unit which is a Campfire Curriculum first for us. I just wanted to write to tell you how absolutely phenomenal I found the curriculum. I was a music major in University and then completed my MD, which I retired from in order to homeschool my children full-time. The Core Concepts which delved into the physics and biology of music were outstanding and I was excited daily by the ideas and concepts. I had, to date, not attempted a unit study which didn’t require a separate student manual, and we found the single text interactive approach liberating, creative, and extremely well suited to our unique familial approach to academics. We created the straw pan-flute and it did actually work beautifully, as promised. We listened to clip after clip from the recommended links and my children could contrast and compare preferences. Knowing the history behind the songs allowed for a more intimate love and understanding of the traditional carols. ‘Hearing’ them with all 5 senses found my son sitting in a Christmas concert doing a spontaneous line drawing of an entire choral piece.
All this to say Thank You, and please do continue to release your excellent works.
With anticipation.

Tamara P.


This is incredible! I’m thinking there might need to be a degree or at least certificate to print and frame after finishing this!

Leslee P.


Phonics Program!
I just wanted to take a quick minute and give you all a heartfelt thank you! My youngest was born with a hearing loss and this has made it more difficult to pick up on all the different letter noises. We had tried a few different reading curriculums prior to yours coming out, and me finally taking the plunge to buy “another reading curriculum.” (He asked to start learning to read at 6.5, he’s now 8) I can’t express how thankful I am that you all took the time, effort, and attention to different details; learning new letters/sounds takes. Because of this he didn’t have to just depend on hearing the noise, like most reading curriculums do. He has been able to put the sounds together with what his lips, tongue, voice box, etc should be doing too. Last week he was reading some words on his own! (We aren’t even done with the phonics program yet!) In case you ever wonder if your time, effort, and uniqueness for this program was worth it; it was in every way! Thank you again for juggling all you do and providing us with something more than we knew to ask for!
Melanie D.

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